Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Writing it all down.

If you are searching for something in your life, find happiness. If you are reaching out to god, accept the infinite.

My life is an Anime story brought to life. I was born and raised in a small mountain town, living life as any child would in a small town, roaming the streets on my bike, living in the moment. But nothing is normal in my story, as it seems my life was written into a manga and decided to jump out of the pages into my soul.

My name is Charles Yingling, and I have a depth of German lineage, the name Yingling was derived from Yuengling, and in germany pronounced, "Juengling." I get many appraises at the local bars. =)
I was born on December, 31 1988; last day of the year. Astrologically speaking, I am a Capricorn, born during the end of the earth dragon  year. Physically speaking, I have red hair and dark brown eyes, which is rare upon the case of red heads. I grew up to be the largest of four sons born to my parents, who are average sized low-middle class americans. My parents are also both Capricorns, and taught us family values as well as HARD WORK... euck.. There is nothing that cannot be accomplished with hard work and the right mind set.

Growing up through the 90's and into the new millenium, of course I dove deep into video games. Oh the video games I played, still to this day as a matter of fact! My younger brother and I played many role-playing games as well as shooters. But we were very fasinated of the story lines revolving around japanese-made role playing games. =) <3 FF7. The depths of drama and the viciciousness of battle swirling into and through each character caught our attention. In which to this day I think may have created a hero complex within the abyss of my mind... My younger brother and I where a team, sometimes we would take shifts playing the game, or having a fist fight/shouting match over the controller... Which always lead to having a red swollen ass later, thanks dad lol. But during gameplay we both had tactical anayltical minds, always looking for the best possible way to over achieve our goals. There was never a game that when we got together, that was not completely annihilated, it seemed to me that we always went up and over the expectations of the game developers.

Staying home alot from school, as I was sick alot, I would play games, but not in the accompany of my younger brother.. They did not keep my attention very well. So my attention would falter onto my mother, hahah. My mother had a small computer repair shop in the basement of our house. Not really a repair shop just more like my dads business desk (my dad ran his own carpentary business) and a bunch of cardboard boxes full of spare computer parts. I would sneak down on days I was sick and watch her quietly repair computers, just sitting, watching, and taking it all in. Not to long after I would sneak onto the computer when my parents where gone, and fuck it all up hahaha. And of course my mother would have to fix it, and I would be sure to be sitting there watching her fix my mistakes. We were not aloud to use the computer alone, hence my mischevious computer usage. One thing led to another and I began repairing and learning the ins-and-outs of computer repair.

Video games got more serious, and so did we. As a video game master in my younger teens, I began to explore other ways of winning. Cheating. Hacking. Sony came out with a playstation 2 network capable adapter. I had to have it. I played many hours at night honing in on my SOCOM ( third person online shooter game ), but one night I ran into a player flying through the air, shooting bullets like something from star wars. So I did what I knew best, google. I came across a very small community of other kids my same age, who were learning how to hack into the playstation 2 system. They were using a device sold in game stores for the purpose of cheating, but taking it into a completly different level than it was meant to be. So naturally I dove deep into the subject and began using my own cheats/hacks. It went so far that I was actually running the small community myself, and developing my own cheats. This did not last very long as the original creators of the website had a small spat about me, I am not sure if it was my antics, or jealousy. But I decided to create my own website.... Which took my LONG LONG hours of learning how to code websites, learning databases, FTP servers, php coding, graphical design... etc etc etc etc etc omg etc.... All at the age of 13. Basically while alot of people were still using AOL and dialup. I was pretty far ahead for my age. The website turned out to be a great success, I was a 13 year old boy who was running a website getting over 100million hits a month and had a total of 80,000 registered users on my website. Of course my website revolved around hacking... in which made the whole hacking community grow immensley. I was very good at teaching others who knew nothing, into being full fledged game hackers. It grew to a point I had several other kids helping me create the website, but me being me, I knew I could only count on myself to get things done.

Leaping years ahead.... I started highschool. Highschool was alot like middleschool, except the girls got alot hotter. haha =). I ran around with the bad crowd you could say, the misfit kids that were semi-popular. We knew where all the good partys where at, and always had a funny story to tell. My friends where the bad kids, but I cherrished my friends anyway. I never really grew up having a best friend, or got close to anyone, but I had my group of friends, and thats all I needed. I also made friends outside my group as well, though I never associated with them, or tried bringing new people into the group, I learned quickly that some people dont mix for a reason, So I kept it that way. I made friends easily, but again never got to close to anyone.

By now you are probally wondering how does this relate to anime? Well this is the back story chill out. =)

Upon graduating Highschool I was so excited, I thought I would feel free, go to college, get a good job and happy happy yay yay. But I soon realized, as well as the rest of my class mates for sure, I WAS LOST AND CONFUSED. So lost, so confused.
Throughout highschool you are fed alot of bullshit saying how your life should go, like a story book. You grow up, have fun playing in your backyard, go to school. Graduate. Go to college, get a career, get married. What a load!

During highschool I was recognized by some fellow class mates and administrators........ For my computer skills. So Right before graduation I got a call from the Director of technology to join her staff. And I should start about 2 months after graduation.
Mind you I had not even had my drivers permit, which is rather embarrassing at the age of 19 growing up in a rural area town.. So I had my parents drive me to work 5 days a week.
At this job I learned alot... About adults, technology, and how to run a business.... even though it was a school its run like a business.
What I learned the most is about adults. When I became 18 i thought that meant I was an adult, I should act responsibly, you know an ADULT.
Well what I learned about the world of adults, is that its more like a bunch of children running around in over grown bodies. Now from time to time I did met real adults, but still to this day I do not run into many. Many individuals proclaiming to be mature would squable over petty problems, no one wants to take responsibility for their actions, and more importantly no one stands up for anybody. Even the most important person, theirselves. I learned that many teachers would act like their students, and this would have an echoing effect on the staff.

So what I did, is started acting like a true adult. And doing so I learned alot of respect, especially through my mentor the director. I loved to take action and tackle problems, I could think outside the box but in a methodical orthodox manner, tis the way of the capricorn. =)
Finally our district got a grant for approx 1/4 million dollars, and I wrote a report of how to effectiviley use the money, and was responsible for ordering 1/4 million dollars worth of computer and technology related equipment! /evil grin. The equipment I chose was naturally all compatible with each other, easy to use, and powerful.

But eventually this had to come to an end, graduating at the start of the "economic recession" I lost my job, the district decided it did not need a technology team to run the network system for the district and one by one we all lost our jobs. This is where I got very lost.

I drew unemployment for about a year, fell into another computer job, and they had an economic downturn as well. They did not have enough work for everybody.
During this time I was having dastardly dizzy spells, headaches, and did I mention dizziness?
I signed up for a free health clinic. One day they checked my blood pressure. It was outragous. Around 168/140. They immedietly started doing tests.
One test was a urine test. Easy enough. Piss in this cup. "ok".
Test results came back, high protein in urine.
Doctors and nurses asked me, didn't you notice your urine creates a large pool of foam when you pee?
I said yes doctor/nurse, Its always been like that I thought it was normal.
They were in shock.
My pedatrician had always done urine anaysis tests every year, and my urine had been oh so foamy for as long as I could remember. It turns out he was milking us for all we were worth... Lazy no good doc..
So the new docs had me go get a kidney biopsy done. Its a "Minor surgery" they says. MINOR.
I was a little scared but they ensured me it was a "minor" surgery and was painless, no big deal.

SO my big day, go to the hospital for my first surgery ever. My blood is racing and pumping, so nervous.
i get into my room, and get undressed into a disgusting hospital gown. They look like a curtain and provide a draft in all the nice places.. A nurse comes in and puts me on a bed and rolls me down a long hallway, it was like a movie where you stare at the ceiling and just see the flourescent lights, going and going one by one. Never ending... Finally we make it to my destination into the operation room. They ask me to crawl into this large, circular xray machine. Apparently the machine has an active xray, where they can see inside me at all times like a video camera displaying images onto a television monitor. The doctor explains to me what shes going to do, and pulls out this large... injection needle gun. I gasp for air.. gulp. It was a large 8 inch THICK injection needle, it was hollow. They were going to num my back up with novacaine and jab this large thick needle into me, close to my kidneys. Then they take a smaller needle and insert it into the large needle. From there the doctor would pull the trigger and it was rip a small sample piece of kidney tissue out of my body.. Oh god that sounded horrible, and it was. lol.

Im not sure but I think the starting novacaine shots where around 4 shots. Then they woudl ask me if I needed more. They would start with 4 shots, then tried jabbing goliath syriange into my back. I felt it, it was painful. I would scream. "More novacaine" OUCH "MORE NOVACAINE" OUCH "MORE NOVACAINE" OUCH "MORE NOVACAINE" OUCH "MORE NOVACAINE" OUCH "MORE NOVACAINE" OUCH "MORE NOVACAINE" OUCH "MORE NOVACAINE" Eventually I couldnt feel shit, or the air going into my lungs for that matter. One by one she stuck that ridiculous fucker into my back, and got samples. I would have to take deep breaths and hold it each time, while she pulled the trigger. SNAP. ok release your breath. SNAP. ok one more time SNAP.

Now for a minor surgery, yeah that just bullshit right there. I got wheeled up to my own room and as soon as the next hour hit I was in sooo much damn pain, of course I was pissing blood, and every breath I took was like torture, it was like this for a week. The blood stopped a few days after, but the pain, oh god. lol.

The samples came back and were positive for kidney renal disease, stage 3 to be exact. IGA nephropathy. A disease where consumed protein goes to the kidneys and blows up the filtration nephron sacks within the kidneys eventually wearing them down completley. My mother cried.

And thats where my story begins..

btw this spell check sucks. lol

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